Universal View Lens Kit
Universal View Lens Kit
To order a view lens kit, you will need to pick one out of the Mercury View Lens Database (a spreadsheet downloadable from this page). That document tells you which focus unit is required for your lens. Order the correct style here according to the focus unit listed there. Place your order, then contact us and let us know which lens and its corresponding Lens Kit number (also listed in the spreadsheet).
If your lens isn't listed, choose the most similar lens of the same focal length that is listed and choose the "Best Guess" option here. Instead of sending you the exact focus scale for your selected lens, we'll send you a blank adhesive scale so you can create your own focus scale (if you wish).
To use unmodified Mamiya RB67 and RZ67 lenses with your Mercury, utilizing their internal shutters, select the RB67 option here. Note that you will need a third party part available on Ebay (see the Mercury Universal User Guide or contact us for more info). You will also need an XL Focus Unit from us.
No lens is included with this kit!